COVID-19: A Global Challenge and Its Remedy through Natural Foods
COVID-19 is indeed the crisis of the century. Previously
unidentified coronavirus, (SARS-Severe acute respiratory
syndrome) in 2002-2003 and in the form of (MERS- CoV-
2 Middle East Respiratory Syndrome coronavirus-2) in 2011
1 now named as COVID-19 emerged from Wuhan, China in
late December 2019. 1 This COVID-19 is exponentially
expanded worldwide in 25 countries by (Feb-6-2020) and
in 195 countries by (April-18-2020).2Globally, there are
2162408 cases: 543312 recovered, 144683 deaths and 56986
critically ill patients according to international statistics
by(April-18-2020).2 By January 30-2020, the WHO declared
the Public Health Emergency of International concern.1 On
feb-11-2020, this disease was named as Coronavirus Disease
2019 (COVID-19) by WHO and is single stranded RNA
virus. 3 COVID-19 is named as fifth category of
communicable disease by Center of disease control, Taiwan
and disease with severe pneumonia on January 15, 2020.1
In Pakistan, the first case of COVID-19 was reported in
February 26-2020 from Karachi; there are 7,638 confirmed
cases, 1832 (24%) recovered, 144(1.9%) deaths as by 18-
april-2020. 2
The confirmed cases of COVID-19 has similar clinical
symptoms as of SARS and MERS such as fatigue, fever,
dry cough, arthralgia, myalgia, respiratory symptoms,
elevated C reactive protein, prolonged prothrombin time
and elevated lactate dehydrogenase. 4 Majority of infected
persons are asymptomatic or having mild symptoms, the
infection can lead to pneumonia or death. The transmission
in human to human during incubation period from
asymptomatic individuals is troublesome which make it
difficult to limit the spread of disease. 5 The average case
fatality rate is 2.3% and it is increased as 8% between 70-
79 years and 14.8% among aged 80 years and over which
is of major concern. 6 In china, currently the case incidence
rates are decreased due to the measure steps taken by them
but case fatality rates are exponentially increased all over
the world. 7 Worldwide, there are various measures underway
to limit the transmission of disease such as closure of
educational institutes, cancellation of large gatherings and
conferences, travel curtailment etc. It will remain a formidable
challenge to develop an anti COVID-treatment or vaccine.
The precautionary measures includes washing hands for 20
seconds, wearing mask, social distancing, coughing and
sneezing etiquettes are being practiced worldwide. In addition
lock down is also observed in various countries of the world
to inhibit the local transmission of COVID-19.
The extent of the adverse impacts of COVID-19 on
economical, social, cultural, educational, scientific, health,
commercial and various aspects, along with the burden on
healthcare, anticipated rates of fatalities and predicted spread
of the disease worldwide, it is significantly important to
explore the preventive strategies to fight against COVID-
19. Currently, there is no treatment or vaccine available for
COVID-19 and only symptomatic treatment is provided to
the patients.
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Copyright (c) 2020 Kiran Fatima Mehboob Ali Bana, Kulsoom Fatima Rizvi, Shakeel Ahmed

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