Moyamoya: An Uncommon Variant Of Stroke In Childrena


  • Rida Zaheer
  • Ayesha Ahmed
  • Shazia Shakoor
  • Shakeel Ahmed



stroke, Moyamoya disease, children, transient ischemia


Moyamoya is a rare cause of stroke in children. It is an infrequent cerebrovascular disorder of unknown etiology. We are
reporting a case of a 7-year-old girl who presented with an acute history of left-sided weakness. On imaging she was
diagnosed with Moyamoya disease. CT Angiogram revealed an occlusion of the right middle cerebral artery typical of
Moyamoya disease. The child improved with conservative therapy.


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How to Cite

Zaheer, R. ., Ahmed, A. ., Shakoor, S. ., & Ahmed, S. . (2021). Moyamoya: An Uncommon Variant Of Stroke In Childrena. Journal of Bahria University Medical and Dental College, 8(3), 194–196.



Case Report

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