Temporomandibular joint disorders and Gender differences among habitants of Karachi


  • Kiran Fatima Mehboob Ali Bana
  • Umair Aslam
  • Arsalan Khalid
  • Wahab Buksh Kadri




Temporomandibular Joint, Temporomandibular Joint Disorders


Methodology: It was a cross sectional study conducted from Sep 2017 to Nov 2017. Three hundred patients were selected through cluster sample technique from the public/private dental institutes and private dental clinics of Karachi. The data was collected with the help of questionnaire and intraoral examination was performed by the PI. All those patients with complain of TMDs and between 20-75 years were included in this study. The frequency and association between gender and TMDs were assessed through the application of Chi square.

Results: There were more males (n=162, 54%) and (n=138, 46%) females in this study. Majority of participants fall under the age group of 20-30 years of age. Most common TMDs symptom among male was pain during mastication (n=104, 64%) and most common symptoms among female was pain on neck/cervical area which was (n=92, 66%). Headache and earache was the least common symptom among both genders and p-value was 0.003 and 0.024 respectively. Clicking was the most common TMJ sound found among both genders, in male it was (n=58, 35.8%) and in female it was (n=48, 34.7%) followed by crepitation.

Conclusion: It was inferred from this study that greater prevalence of TMDs was mostly found in female gender. The statistically significant difference was found among stress as an aggravating factor of TMDs and gender. Clicking was the most prevalent TMJ sound and clenching was the most frequently observed parafunctional habit among both gender, followed by tooth grinding and statistically significant difference found among both gender.


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How to Cite

Bana, K. F. M. A., Aslam, U. ., Khalid, A. ., & Kadri, W. B. . (2018). Temporomandibular joint disorders and Gender differences among habitants of Karachi. Journal of Bahria University Medical and Dental College, 8(2), 103–108. https://doi.org/10.51985/JBUMDC2018042



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