Assessing Breast Cancer Incidence and Risk Factors from 2005-2015 in Pakistan


  • Madeeha Nisar
  • Tahira Zamir


Carcinoma of the breast is the commonest malignancy in females all over the world and second leading cause of death due to cancer among females. In Pakistan, it is more common at a young age contrary to the west where it is more common after 60 years. Approximately one in every nine Pakistani women is likely to suffer from breast cancer showing an incidence rate of 50/100,000.Incidence of breast cancer is growing at an alarming rate in Pakistan.The main causative element remain unknown yet primary risk factors identified are sex, age, parity, genetics, lack of child bearing, breast feeding, higher hormonal levels individual lifestyle etc. Appropriate planning, prevention and cancer control measures for determination of breast cancer incidence and risk factors must be undertaken

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How to Cite

Nisar, M., & Zamir, T. . (2015). Assessing Breast Cancer Incidence and Risk Factors from 2005-2015 in Pakistan. Journal of Bahria University Medical and Dental College, 5(4), 157–161. Retrieved from



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