Effect and Toxicity of Methanolic Extract of Brassice Pleracea on Body Weight of Rabbits


  • Tahira Zamir
  • Rabia Arshad
  • Talea Hoor


Brassica Oleracea, Methanolic extract, Body weight, Rabbits, Toxicity


Objective: To evaluate the effect and toxicity of methanolic extract of Brassica Oleracea var. capitata on body
weight of rabbits.
Materials And Methods: This experimental study was conductedon14 healthy white rabbits of either sex at
department of pharmacology, faculty of pharmacy, university of Karachi in 2011. All animals were equally divided
in two groups i.e. control and test group .Test group received methanolic extract of Brassica Oleracea in a
concentration of 100 mg/kg of body weight for 30 days (4 weeks) through oral route once daily. While control
group received normal saline 1ml/day equivalent to volume of dose given to test animals. Gross toxicity was
observed during whole period in animals of both groups. Body weight of animals was recorded weekly on weighing
Results: The animals who received methanolic extract of Brassica Oleracea in a dose of 100 mg/kg body weight
showed significantdecrease in mean body weight of (1783+2.4)as compared to control animals (1957+4.92).
Difference in mean body weight recorded on day 31 (at the end of 4 weeks) was 46gm as compared to animals of
control group where decline was only1 gm. While the percent decrease in mean body weight was found to be (3%)
as compared to control animals (0%).Features of gross toxicity such as loss of hair, change in hair color,
aggressiveness in behavior, diarrhea, and haematuria, were not found in animals of both groups during whole
experimental period.
Conclusion: Methanolic extract of Brassica Oleracea exhibited weight reducing effect in rabbits without any gross


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How to Cite

Zamir , T. ., Arshad, R. ., & Hoor, T. . (2013). Effect and Toxicity of Methanolic Extract of Brassice Pleracea on Body Weight of Rabbits . Journal of Bahria University Medical and Dental College, 3(2), 62–68. Retrieved from https://jbumdc.bahria.edu.pk/index.php/ojs/article/view/59



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