OSPE In Pharmacology - Students Perspective


  • Mehtab Munir
  • Talea Hoor
  • Nasim Karim


OSPE, Students' perspective, Questionnaire, Structured viva, Module exam, Assessment


Students' perspective about OSPE was assessed in 2012. They responded on pre- examination arrangement, time allocation, number of stations; ontent, process, process explanation, quality of questions, marks allocation, faculty behavior, overall atmosphere and comments about OSPE experience and its comparison to conventional pattern. Student`s responses were graded as good (combining agree and strongly agree), poor (combining disagree and strongly disagree) or neutral. Of 102 students, ninety students (88%) responded to questionnaire at the end of all four examinations. 87.65% students found pre-examination arrangement good while 86.5% were happy with explanation of procedure. 89% felt faculty behavior satisfactory, 82.5% considered OSPE process smooth, 86% expressed satisfaction with quality of questions, 79.5% considered number of stations adequate, 86.75% believed time adequate, 87% concluded that content was adequately covered. 86.87% considered atmosphere conducive and 81.25% considered marks justified. Students' overwhelmingly found OSPE in Pharmacology an effective method of assessment.


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How to Cite

Munir, M. ., Hoor, T. ., & Karim, N. . (2012). OSPE In Pharmacology - Students Perspective. Journal of Bahria University Medical and Dental College, 2(2), 32–34. Retrieved from https://jbumdc.bahria.edu.pk/index.php/ojs/article/view/42

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