Impact of Maternal Education on Chlidren's Health in Slum Area of Karachi


  • Sadiq Mirza
  • Syed Sanowar Ali
  • Nasim Karim


Mother’s literacy, Malnutrition, Children < 5 years, Slum area, Karachi


Objective:  To determine the impact of maternal education on children’s health in a slum area of Karachi.

Materials and Methods: A population survey (cross-sectional study) was conducted on 390 children under 5years of age residing in Sharifabad, a slum area of Karachi. Systemic random sampling procedure was adopted to select 390 children. The selection of children was irrespective of gender, ethnicity and religion.

Results: Out of total 390 mothers, 273 (70%) mothers were illiterate and 117 (30%) were literate. In the literate group 21 mothers could read only, 42 had primary, 23 middle, 24 matric, 5 intermediate and 2 mothers had education up to graduate level. Overall a total 162 (41.54%) children were underweight, 205 (52.56%) were stunted and 89 (22.82%) had wasting. Maximum malnutrition regarding underweight and stunting was seen in children whose mothers had no education (illiterate). Maximum wasting was seen in children whose mothers could read only. There was a significant difference regarding underweight and stunting between the children whose mothers were illiterate in comparison to the children whose mothers had some education (P<0.05), but non-significant difference regarding wasting was found.

Conclusion:  Mother’s literacy status has a definite association with malnutrition of the children < 5 years of age which is one of the important risk factors


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How to Cite

Mirza , S. ., Ali, S. S. ., & Karim, N. . (2015). Impact of Maternal Education on Chlidren&#039;s Health in Slum Area of Karachi. Journal of Bahria University Medical and Dental College, 5(1), 29–31. Retrieved from



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