Herbal Treatment of Diabetes


  • Tahira Zamir
  • Talea Hoor


Plants, hypoglycemia, antidiabetic mechanism, biologically active compounds


Diabetes has become one of the most challenging health problems of the 21st century, with increasing prevalence throughout
the world. Drugs recently used for the treatment of diabetes have several adverse effects. There is an immense need to explore
plant resources to develop a better oral hypoglycemic agent.More than 400 plants are found to have hypoglycemic effect like
Acacia Arabia, Aeglemarmelos, Alium cepa, Alium sativum ,Azadirachta indica,Caesalpinia bonducella, Coccinia indica,
Eugenia jambolana,Mangifera indica, Momordica charantia and Ocimum sanctum. These are found to act by various mechanisms
to produce antidiabetic effect. Moreover, various biologically active compounds with hypoglycemic effect are identified from
these plants. including alkaloids, flavonoids, glycosides and polysaccharides. This commentary presents an overview of
antidiabetic plants and their suggested hypoglycemic mechanisms.


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How to Cite

Zamir, T. ., & Hoor, T. . (2016). Herbal Treatment of Diabetes. Journal of Bahria University Medical and Dental College, 6(3), 186–187. Retrieved from https://jbumdc.bahria.edu.pk/index.php/ojs/article/view/195

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