Etiology, Patterns And Treatment Modalities For Mandibular Fractures


  • Muhammad Asif Shahzad
  • Momin Ayub Marath
  • Daud Mirza



Mandibular fractures, Road traffic accidents, Open reduction and internal fixation, Etiology


Objective: The objective of current study was to evaluate the etiology, patterns of presentation, frequency and different treatment modalities for mandibular fractures in patients treated at Lahore Medical and Dental College/Ghurki Trust Teaching Hospital (LMDC/GTTH).

Methodology: This descriptive –cross sectional study was conducted at Lahore Medical and Dental College, Lahore/Ghurki Trust Teaching Hospital (LMDC/GTTH) from March 2015 to September 2017. The current study included one hundred and twelve (112) patients who were indentified having mandibular fractures. Data were collected regarding patient’s age, gender, etiology, site of fracture, patterns and treatment modalities and analyzed using SPSS version 20.

Results: The patients’ ages were between 3 to 55 years (24.87±10.867, mean/SD). The majority of fractures occurred amongst the 21-30 years of age group having female to male ratio of1:5.6. Road traffic accident (RTA) was the most frequent etiological factor for mandibular fractures in 89 (79.47%) of patients, followed by assaults 11(09.82%) and fall 07 (06.25%). 


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How to Cite

Shahzad, M. A. ., Marath, M. A. ., & Mirza, D. . (2018). Etiology, Patterns And Treatment Modalities For Mandibular Fractures. Journal of Bahria University Medical and Dental College, 8(2), 97–102.



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