An Assessment of the Shade Differences in the Anterior Teeth According to the Age and Gender, Using Commercially Available Shade Guide


  • Farzana Memon
  • Diya Ram Khatri
  • Salwa Memon
  • Daud Mirza


Aesthetics, Tooth shade, Shade guide, Prosthesis


Objective: To assess the shade differences in the anterior teeth according to the age and gender using commercially available
shade guide in the local populations of Hyderabad.
Methodology: This cross sectional study comprised of 200 patients belonging to both genders ranging in age from 15 to 75
years, divided into four groups on the basis of chronological age: Group I: 15 to 30, group II: 31 to 45 , group III: 46 to 60
and group IV: 61 and onwards. 
Data was analyzed via SPSS version 21. Descriptive statistics such as percentage, frequency distribution, cross tabulation and
descriptive were included in Data analysis. The level of significance was set at <0.05.
Results: This study revealed that the most common shade recorded was A2 (45%), followed by B2 (20%) and A3 (10%).
Younger patients had lighter tooth shades. Shades were darker with increasing age. The most common shade selected in age
group I and group II was A2 which were represented as 52.8% and 52.9% respectively. Among males, the most common shade
was A2 (47.6%), followed by B2 (19.5%) and A3 (15.9%) whereas in females most common shade was A2 (43.2%), followed
by B2 (20.3%) and A1 (10.2%).
Conclusion: This study concluded that the tooth shade selection was strongly associated with both age and gender. Most
common classical shade selected was A2. Shades were darker with the advancing age. Women’s teeth were lighter than the
men’s. This information can be effective for fabrication of more life-like prosthesis.


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How to Cite

Memon, F. ., Khatri, D. R. ., Memon, S. ., & Mirza, D. . (2017). An Assessment of the Shade Differences in the Anterior Teeth According to the Age and Gender, Using Commercially Available Shade Guide. Journal of Bahria University Medical and Dental College, 7(1), 14–18. Retrieved from



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