Grip Strength Test A Simple Functional Adjunct Tool for Rheumatoid Arthriris


  • Fuad Shaikh
  • Nasim Karim
  • Khalid Mahmood
  • Mohammed Ishaq Ghauri


Grip Strength, Pneumatic Method, Adjunct Tool, Hand Joints, Rheumatoid arthritis


Objective: To evaluate the usefulness of Grip Strength Test as an adjunctive tool for patients having rheumatoid
Materials And Methods: A twenty four (24)-week, single-blind, interventional, prospective study was carried
out from October, 2009 to March, 2011 in 126 patients of either sex, between 19-64 years of age. They were
diagnosed to have rheumatoid arthritis according to the American College of Rheumatology Criteria. They were
given tablet Methotrexate, 10 mg (4 tablets of 2.5 mg, orally) weekly for six months. Grip strength was
measured by pneumatic method. Patients were made to compress a locked, aneuroid, sphygmomanometer cuff,
inflated to 20 mm of Hg, in their palms. The level of pressure reached was recorded as a measure of grip
Results: All patients had morning stiffness, symmetric arthritis, soft tissue swelling and arthritis of hand joints.
Baseline values of Hb, TLC, ESR, PC, CRP, serum creatinine and SGPT were 10.76 +1.12g/dl, 8572.06
+1445.08 per cubic mm, 81.03 +17.98 per cubic mm, 290,277.78 + 68,813 per cubic mm, 2.33 + 0.69
microgram/dl, 0.95+ 0.16 mg/dl, and 31.67 + 7.37 IU/L respectively. Grip Strength increased from a baseline of
71.10 mm of Hg to 154.04 mm of Hg in the right hand and from 70.58 mm of Hg to 151.53 mm of Hg in the left
hand, both values being significant statistically [p< 0.001].
Conclusion: Grip strength test is a useful, simple, effective, functional, adjunct tool for assessing patients’s
response to therapy in rheumatoid arthritis.


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How to Cite

Shaikh, F. ., Karim, N. ., Mahmood , K. ., & Ghauri, M. I. . (2013). Grip Strength Test A Simple Functional Adjunct Tool for Rheumatoid Arthriris . Journal of Bahria University Medical and Dental College, 3(2), 56–61. Retrieved from



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