Precautions and Safety Measures at Workplace During Pandemic


  • Khalid Aziz
  • Hafiza Tuseef Sayyar
  • Ambreen Shahzad



Pandemic is a worldwide disease outbreak, caused by various
types of agents for example influenza and coronaviruses.
Recent pandemic has been the third outbreak of coronavirus
COVID-19 (Corona virus disease-19) declared by World
Health Organization (WHO), spread in more than 213
continent including Pakistan.1 Transmission of disease during
pandemic expected in workplaces not only from patient to
healthcare personnel but also between the co-workers and
people of general public and individuals from other
workplaces.2 In Pakistan, total number of positive cases:
302,424 of COVID-19 were reported and 6,389 deaths were
confirmed till 15th September 2020.3 Unfortunately presently
there is no vaccine available against COVID-19 to prevent
this disease. The transmission and spreading of this virus in
different countries is suppressed by testing and take care of
patients, limiting travel, stopping huge gatherings such as
concert, schools, sports events and quarantine the infected
person. 4 This pandemic placed a huge burden on all section
of society including companies and employee workers by
suspending their working activities and implementing new
measures and practices in very small period of time during
this crisis. The European Union member’s countries
established numbers of procedures and measures for the
prevention and spreading of pandemic in working places.5
Major precautions and safety measures should be integrated
in the workplace which covers all risks assessment by
European Union and National Occupational Health and
Safety Regulation and are as follows. 6


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COVID-19 Health Advisory Platform by Ministry of National [Internet].18 June,2020. Available from:

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WHO. Getting your workplace ready for COVID-19. World Heal Organ [Internet]. 2020;(March):1–8. Available from:

World Health Organisation (WHO) Coronavirus disease (COVID-19) outbreak webpage ( (date accessed: 15/03/2020).




How to Cite

Aziz, K. ., Sayyar, H. T. ., & Shahzad, A. . (2021). Precautions and Safety Measures at Workplace During Pandemic. Journal of Bahria University Medical and Dental College, 10(4), 327.



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