Dentists Perspective Regarding Prophylactic Removal Of Asymptomatic And Impacted Third Molars


  • Wahab Buksh Kadri
  • Sameera Asif
  • Atif Zubairi
  • Sarah Jamil
  • Tooba Kamran
  • Zahra Hassan
  • Hania Idrees



Asymptomatic tooth, Impacted third molar NHS guidelines, Prophylactic tooth removal.


Objective: To determine dentist’s perspective regarding NHS guidelines for prophylactic removal of Impacted Third molars
among dentists of Karachi.
Study Design and Setting: It was a cross sectional study design based on the questionnaire. Questionnaire was filled by
total 110 general dentists selected by random sampling and was practicing in various private and government setups of
Karachi to know about their preference regarding prophylactic removal of asymptomatic third molar.
Methodology:The questionnaire comprised of total 13 questions to find out dentists view point about the prophylactic
removal of impacted third molar. The results were then analyzed using SPSS version 23. Frequencies, percentages of
different variables used in the study were calculated to identify the co-relation among different attributes. P-value of less
than or equal to 0.05 was considered statistically significant.
Results:The study reflected that 71.8% dentists were aware with the NHS Guidelines for removal of asymptomatic &
impacted third molars while 28.2% dentists preferred conventional approach. The study also revealed Mesioangular
impaction as being the most commonly observed type of impaction in the dental practice.
Conclusion: It was concluded from this study that majority of dentists were aware of the guidelines provided by NHS and
regarding the angulation of impacted teeth most of the impactions seen at the dental office were Mesioangular.


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How to Cite

Kadri, W. B. ., Asif, S. ., Zubairi, A. ., Jamil, S. ., Kamran, T. ., Hassan, Z. ., & Idrees, H. . (2019). Dentists Perspective Regarding Prophylactic Removal Of Asymptomatic And Impacted Third Molars. Journal of Bahria University Medical and Dental College, 9(3), 214–217.



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