Association of Student’s Intrinsic Motivation and Autonomous Support of Teachers on Academic Performance of Dental Undergraduates of Karachi


  • Kiran Fatima
  • Farnaz Ilyas
  • Wahab Buksh Kadri
  • Kanza Urooj
  • Ayesha Saeed


Academic performance, Autonomous motivation, Autonomy support, Self-determination theory


Objective: To assess the impact of teachers autonomous support on students academic performance among dental undergraduates
of Bahria University Medical and Dental College (BUMDC), and to find out the influence of intrinsic motivation (self-
determination theory) on academic performance of dental undergraduates of BUMDC.
Methodology: It was a cross sectional study conducted among dental undergraduates of BUMDC. Total sampling technique
was used in this study. Out of total 200 dental students in all four years of BDS, 185 questionnaires were completely filled in
all aspects and therefore included for data analysis.
Results: The final calculated scores of two sub-scales of the Learning Self-Regulation Questionnaire (SRQ-L, autonomous
motivation and controlled motivation) had an average mean of 5.1 and 3.95. The average of the Learning Climate Questionnaire
(LCQ) for tutor autonomy support was 4.51. The average academic performance score was 74.1%. More than half of the
respondents (60%) were autonomously motivated. Students autonomous support and perception towards tutors autonomy
support was (5.1 and 4.51 out of 7 scoring) respectively.
Conclusion: It was concluded from this study that the intrinsic motivation of dental undergraduate has direct association on
strong academic performance of learners. On the other hand, teachers autonomous support has an inverse relationship over
academic performance of dental undergraduates.


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How to Cite

Fatima, K. ., Ilyas, F. ., Kadri, W. B. ., Urooj, K. ., & Saeed, A. . (2021). Association of Student’s Intrinsic Motivation and Autonomous Support of Teachers on Academic Performance of Dental Undergraduates of Karachi. Journal of Bahria University Medical and Dental College, 7(4), 249–253. Retrieved from



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