Basic Concepts of Diabetes Mellitus


  • Tahira Zamir
  • Khola Noreen
  • Mehtab Muneer


Pakistan is at the seventh position on diabetes prevalence rates. Many risk factors are linked to the development of type 2
diabetes like increased body mass index (BMI), altered body lipids, increased blood pressure, smoking, less physical activity
,bad dietary habits, family history, and also some genes. Environmental factors together with a genetic tendency for diabetes
set off an autoimmune response that causes damage of the pancreatic ß-cells over prolong duration leading to type 1diabetes.
Failure of ß cell compensation for insulin resistance causes impaired glucose tolerance that can exhibit as type 2diabetes.Diabetes
Mellitus either type 1 or type 2 can lead to various acute and chronic complications. Diagnosis can be made on levels of blood
glucose concentration, urine ketone test, glycosylated hemoglobin (HbA1c), glycated serum protein and glycated serum albumin.
Type 1 diabetic patients are directly given insulin. Patients with type 2 diabetes may be managed with diet and exercise. However
when diet and exercise fail to control raised blood sugar level, an oral antidiabetic agent is started. This may be added with
more drug(s) from the same family and or insulin depending upon the glycemic index of the patient.Type 2 diabetes is a
progressive disease in which ultimately the function of ß cells decreases, and eventually exogenous insulin may be required
to maintain blood sugar level. This review thoroughly describes the prevalence, classification, etiology, pathophysiology,
complications, diagnostic criteria and treatment of Diabetes Mellitus.


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How to Cite

Zamir, T. ., Noreen, K. ., & Muneer, M. . (2016). Basic Concepts of Diabetes Mellitus. Journal of Bahria University Medical and Dental College, 6(4), 200–203. Retrieved from



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