Dental Caries, Periodontal Health Status, and Oral Hygiene Related Habits of Women Behind Bars in Central Jail Karachi, Sindh, Pakistan


  • Hina Shah
  • Imran Khan
  • Sibghat Ullah Khan
  • Jai Kershan
  • Sanaa Ahmed
  • Sumbal Ayaz



CPI index, dental caries, DMFT, oral health, periodontitis


Objective: To assess the frequency of dental caries and periodontal health status among incarcerated women in Karachi facility, Sindh, Pakistan.


Study design and Setting: A cross-sectional study was conducted between December 2021 to February 2022 at the department of Department of Community, Sindh Institute of Oral Health Sciences.


Methodology: All female inmates between the ages of 18-65 years, serving various jail terms including those sentenced for life, prisoners condemned to death and awaiting trial were included in the study. Women younger than 18 years or older than 65 years and those who refused to give consent to participate were excluded. For each participant, dental caries and periodontal status examination were performed. Dental caries were scored using DMFT index.


Results: A total of 131 incarcerated women were examined with a mean age 34.73 ± 9.94 years. The mean DMFT score was 4.76 ± 4.46. Older age was significantly associated with dental caries (p<0.0001). Participants who had diabetes had significantly increased caries as indicated by their high DMFT score (p=0.045). The participants who claimed to brush their teeth twice a day had significantly lower DMFT scores (p<0.0001).


Conclusion: The study brings light to the poor oral care and the need to address oral health facilities for disadvantaged incarcerated groups. It emphasizes the need to regularly conduct dental checkups for diagnosis and treatment among the vulnerable population.


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How to Cite

Shah , H. ., Khan, I. ., Khan, S. U. ., Kershan, J. ., Ahmed, S., & Ayaz, S. . (2024). Dental Caries, Periodontal Health Status, and Oral Hygiene Related Habits of Women Behind Bars in Central Jail Karachi, Sindh, Pakistan. Journal of Bahria University Medical and Dental College, 14(01), 13–18.



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