Vasculo-Protective Cover: A Novel Action of Metformin


  • Rabia Arshad
  • Nasim Karim


Type 2 diabetes, Oral anti-diabetic drugs, Metformin ,Vasculo-protective effects, Endothelial dysfunctions


Type 2 diabetes is associated with multiple changes/complications in the body that affects almost every organ and system. In
the cardiovascular system main pathology lies in the vascular endothelium leading to atherosclerosis and arteriosclerosis.
Different treatment options are available for diabetes including both oral and injectable drugs. Oral drugs have better compliance
like Sulfonylureas, Alpha glucosidase inhibitors, Glitazones and Maglitinides. These groups of anti-hyperglycemic drugs
maintain blood glucose level, providing diabetics cost effective better life through a physiological route. However, it has been
documented that these drugs do not delay vascular complications in diabetic patients. Metformin is the first line oral anti-diabetic
drug from biguanide group used to treat type 2 diabetes mellitus. It is a euglycemic agent which decreases glucose levels and
have additional benefit of decreasing the progression of vascular effects in multiple ways.


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How to Cite

Arshad, R. ., & Karim, N. . (2015). Vasculo-Protective Cover: A Novel Action of Metformin. Journal of Bahria University Medical and Dental College, 5(3), 105–108. Retrieved from



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