Comparison of Oral Stereognostic Proficiency Between New and Previous Complete Denture Wearers


  • Saira Ibrahim
  • Moiza Ijaz
  • Ammara Sharafat
  • Samina Younis
  • Nida Mukhtar
  • Abdul Mueed Zaigham



Complete denture, Proprioception, Stereognosis


Objective: To compare oral stereognostic proficiency scores between new and previous complete denture wearers.
Study design and study settings: This cross-sectional study design was conducted at Armed Forces Institute of Dentistry,
Methodology: Total 60 patients belonging to age group of 45–75 years were selected from the study setting. Oral stereognostic
proficiency was recorded by using different oral stereognostic intra oral testing tools and scores were noted. Data analysis
was done using SPSS (version 20) software. Independent sample t-test was used to compare the scores of new and old
previous complete denture wearers. Effect modifier like gender was rectified by method of stratification. Post stratification
independent sample t-test was applied and p value of 0.05 or less was considered to be significant.
Results: The mean age of patients was 59.8+7.85 years. Previous complete denture wearers were found to have a higher
value as compared to the new complete denture wearers. Significant difference between both groups according to age was
found with older individuals having a lower stereognostic value than younger individuals.
Conclusions: Oral stereognostic test is a dependable test to measure patients’ oral stereognostic perception which can help
the dentist in better educating the patient in terms of his/her expectations regarding the prosthesis and in better understanding
the limitations of the prosthesis.


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How to Cite

Ibrahim, S. ., Ijaz, M. ., Sharafat, A. ., Younis, S. ., Mukhtar, N. ., & Zaigham, A. M. . (2021). Comparison of Oral Stereognostic Proficiency Between New and Previous Complete Denture Wearers. Journal of Bahria University Medical and Dental College, 12(01), 8–12.



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