Dyslipidemia in Newly Diagnosed Diabetic Patients With or Without Micro Albuminuria


  • Naimatullah Khan
  • Javed Iqbal Khan
  • Tariq Mehmood
  • Aqeel Peter




Dyslipidemia, Micro albuminuria, Newly diagnosed diabetic patients.


Objective: To assess the dyslipidemia in newly diagnosed diabetic patients and compare it with or without micro albuminuria.
Study Design and Setting: Cross-sectional study at Department of Medicine, Military Hospital Rawalpindi from 01 March
2015 to 31 August 2015.
Methodology: A total of 150 patients who fulfilled the inclusion criteria were included after taking informed consent and
approval from hospital ethical committee. Blood sample was obtained from each patient and samples were sent to hospital
laboratory and reports were assessed by pathologist. Presence or absence of microalbuminuria, trigiyceridemia (200-499
mg/dl), raised LDL-C (>160 mg/dl) and decreased HDL-C (<40 mg/dl) were noted by researcher himself on a pre-designed
performa. The collected data was analyzed statistically by using SPSS version 12.Quantitative variables like age, TG, LDL
HDL levels were presented in form of mean ± S.D. Qualitative variables like gender, diabetes mellitus, micro albuminuria
and dyslipidemia were presented as frequencies and percentages. Chi-square test was applied to find association between
dyslipidemia and micro albuminuria. P value = 0.05 was considered as statistically significant.
Results: Mean ± SD of age was 47.97±7.08 years. Out of 150 patients 60% were male and 40% were female. Dyslipidemia
was found in 42% patients. Highly significant association was found between dyslipidemia and micro albuminuria, i.e.
Conclusion: The frequency of dyslipidemia among newly diagnosed diabetic patients with micro albuminuria was
significantly higher than in subjects without micro albuminuria.


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How to Cite

Khan, N. ., Khan, J. I. ., Mehmood, T. ., & Peter, A. . (2021). Dyslipidemia in Newly Diagnosed Diabetic Patients With or Without Micro Albuminuria. Journal of Bahria University Medical and Dental College, 10(2), 129–132. https://doi.org/10.51985/JBUMDC2019049



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