Configuration of Circle of Willis and Its Clinical Significance


  • Aisha Hassan Brohi
  • Kevin Joseph Jerome Borges
  • Gulraiz Hikmat Yar
  • Syed Nudrat Nawaid Shah
  • Nuzhat Hassan



Circle of Willis, Anatomical variations, cerebral arteries


In occlusive vascular brain diseases, the structure of the circle of Willis is of immense importance. A high percentage of
variations have been reported in the arteries forming circle of Willis. These have profound clinical implications. With
advances in interventional radiological procedures, the interventional radiologists and neurosurgeons need to have thorough
knowledge of these variations. This article will help readers understand the significance of anatomical variations and their
clinical effects.


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How to Cite

Aisha Hassan Brohi, Kevin Joseph Jerome Borges, Gulraiz Hikmat Yar, Syed Nudrat Nawaid Shah, & Hassan, N. . (2018). Configuration of Circle of Willis and Its Clinical Significance. Journal of Bahria University Medical and Dental College, 8(4), 270–273.



Review Article

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