Global And Regional Cancer Epidemiology: According To World Cancer Report 2012 And Others.


  • Mohiuddin Alamgir



GLOBOCAN, incidence, cancer, global estimates, mortality


The International Agency on Cancer (IARC) has initiated World Cancer Report 2012 in 2014. The report estimates the
worldwide incidence and mortality for 27 major cancers and for all cancers combined for 2012 and is available in the
GLOBOCAN series of the International Agency for Research on Cancer. Overall, there were 14.1 million new cases and
8.2 million deaths in 2012. The most commonly diagnosed cancers were lung (1.82 million), breast (1.67 million), and
colorectal (1.36 million); the most common causes of cancer death were lung cancer (1.6 million deaths), liver cancer
(745,000 deaths), and stomach cancer (723,000 deaths). In Pakistan, there are over 1.4 million cancer patients. Annually
there are 139,200 new cancer cases and 101,600 deaths. Incidences of cancers are different in different parts of Pakistan
as depicted by reports generated by two major cancer registries in the country.


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How to Cite

Alamgir, M. . (2018). Global And Regional Cancer Epidemiology: According To World Cancer Report 2012 And Others. Journal of Bahria University Medical and Dental College, 8(4), 263–269.



Review Article

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