Replacement Of Conceptions Developed During Health Professions Education


  • Ambreen Usmani
  • Maroosha Imran



Replacement of concepts is another terminology used for misconceptions which are developed at an early and theoretically
the student considers it as correct and builds all other related concepts upon it. This eventually become so strong that when
they reach their professional studies it becomes extremely difficult to replace the misconception and erase the previously
formed schema in their minds. This problem became so prominent that research into students’ misconceptions started and
are still continuing so as to identify the areas where replacement of concepts is required providing elaborative evidence
about the nature of students’ understandings This research is concentrated on particularising the essential differences
between “students’ and experts’ ideas” on a topic that will affect lifelong learning.


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How to Cite

Usmani, A. ., & Imran, M. . (2021). Replacement Of Conceptions Developed During Health Professions Education. Journal of Bahria University Medical and Dental College, 8(3), 183–188.



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