Pre and Post Workshop Knowledge Assessment Regarding ECG and Arrhythmia Management in Medical Undergraduates


  • Samia Perwaiz Khan
  • Sahar Tariq
  • Rabeea Rizwan
  • Muslim Abbas
  • Zohra Jivani,
  • Amna Adeel
  • Yahya Peracha
  • Mohammad Sultan



Cardiac arrhythmias, Electrocardiography, Integrated workshop, Pre- workshop, Post-workshop, Quiz


Objective: To determine the effectiveness of ECG interpretation workshops as a useful tool in medical education for
teaching the integrated cardiovascular module for undergraduate medical students.
Study design and setting: Cross sectional (pre and post workshop quiz) at Jinnah Medical and Dental College over four
months from August-November 2019.
Methodology: Total 80 undergraduate medical students participated in the training session. Pre-workshop Quiz was
conducted MCQs (single best answer) to determine the prior knowledge of participants on ECG interpretation and action
of antiarrhythmic drugs. Interactive lectures were delivered by the cardiology consultant and faculty of pharmacology.
Comprehensive hands-on skill session for 12-limb lead and ECG interpretation was organized by the physiology department.
Post-Quiz included MCQs (single best answer). Feedback forms were filled at the end of the training and lecture sessions.
Paired students T test was used on SPSS 21.
Results: Total Eighty 4th year MBBSÊparticipated in pre-workshop quiz (MCQs) and post MCQs Sixty (75%) students
had an unsatisfactory score and only twenty (25%) had satisfactory scores in pre- training Quiz. Post-training and lecture
sessions, Quiz (MCQs) scores had significant improvement. Seventy (87%) students had a satisfactory score of which five
students were outstanding and only five (6%) scored unsatisfactory. Feedback form filled and the comments were recorded.
Conclusions: It was found by post workshop quiz scores and feedback regarding interdepartmental integrated activity
results in a better teaching and learning outcomes. Post workshop Quiz scores indicated the improvement in ECG interpretation
and skills


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How to Cite

Khan, S. P. ., Tariq, S. ., Rizwan, R. ., Abbas, M. ., Jivani, , Z., Adeel, A. ., Peracha, Y. ., & Sultan , M. . (2021). Pre and Post Workshop Knowledge Assessment Regarding ECG and Arrhythmia Management in Medical Undergraduates. Journal of Bahria University Medical and Dental College, 10(4), 301–306.



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