Maternal Factors Associated With Low Birth Weight Babies


  • Shazia Aftab
  • Paras Golo
  • Alma Muhammad Iqbal



Antenatal care (ANC), Anemia, Low birth weight babies (LBW), Maternal diet, Perinatal death.


Objective: To determine the obstetric, antenatal, natal and socio-economic factors affecting low birth weight (LBW) babies.
Study design and setting: The cross-sectional study was conducted from February2019 till May2019 at Jinnah Medical
College hospital Karachi.
Methodology: The targeted population was 100 mothers who recently delivered their babies and were present in the hospital
during postpartum period. Variables included obstetric history, maternal risk factors, socioeconomic status and education
of parents. Weight of the neonates was noted by the doctors within 24 hours of birth. Data was analysed on SPSS version
Results: Variables having significant and positive influence on LBW were; age, activity and occupation of mother, age at
first pregnancy, no. of pregnancies, maternal anemia. The 48% of low birth weight babies were present in mothers belonging
to younger age group (18-20 years). The incidence of low birth weight increases with increased number of pregnancies,
women with greater than 3 pregnancies had 18% of 1.6-2kg of weight of babies, 12% of 2.1-2.5kg of weight, 10% of 1.1-
1.5kg of weight. Mother’s with poor diet had 36% of 2.1-2.5kg of weight. Women with high activity during pregnancy
having 53% of 1.6-2kg of weight babies. Regarding occupation 40% of housewife’s risks of 1.6-2kg weight of baby with
p-value of <0.05 as activity during pregnancy was high.
Conclusion: Factors like younger age women, multi-parity, increased physical activity maternal diet, anemia due to
nutritional deficiencywere contributed to low birth weight babies.


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How to Cite

Aftab, S. ., Golo, P. ., & Iqbal, A. M. (2021). Maternal Factors Associated With Low Birth Weight Babies. Journal of Bahria University Medical and Dental College, 10(4), 287–290.



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