Measuring Patient Satisfaction Parameters: A Cross-Sectional Descriptive Study At PNS RAHAT Hospital Karachi.


  • Naila Azam
  • Sikandar Hayat Khan


OPDs, Diagnostics, Pharmacy, Satisfaction


Objective: To describe patient satisfaction with hospital services and staff dealing.

Materials and Methods: This cross-sectional study was carried out between January to April-2011 at out-patient departments of PNS Rahat. Randomly selected 96 patients entitled to free medical treatment were offered to voluntarily fill the pretested structured questionnaire in URDU(with mathematical scoring for each selected satisfaction index selected) to comment on the various aspects of services offered at the hospital. The four objective satisfaction scores included: 1-seating /waiting facilities, 2-length of waiting time, 3-staff attitude and 4-Cleanliness at the outpatient departments, radiology, laboratory and pharmacy.

Results: The availed mean score was 80.1 + 42.6. Out of the total possible score of 170 of the questionnaires filled. The mean patient score achieved was 57.4 + 33.9. Patients scored less on the satisfaction indices pertaining to waiting time [Average score=4.73/10] and comfortable stay [Average score=6.43/10] in the waiting areas of the hospital OPDs. Patients had a higher satisfaction score on indices related to sanitation/cleanliness issues [Average score=7.52/10] and staff attitude [Average score=7.71/10].

Conclusion: Prolonged waiting time and non-availability of quality stay in waiting areas of outpatient departments and diagnostic centers are the cause of lesser patient satisfaction during a patient's visit to hospital.


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How to Cite

Azam, N. ., & Khan, S. H. . (2012). Measuring Patient Satisfaction Parameters: A Cross-Sectional Descriptive Study At PNS RAHAT Hospital Karachi. Journal of Bahria University Medical and Dental College, 2(2), 8–12. Retrieved from



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