Study On Pattern Of Obsessive Behaviors And Thoughts In A State Of Anxiety In Teenagers


  • Zaheen Baig Sajjad
  • Yousra Siddique
  • Aisha Tariq
  • Qudsia Suleman
  • Nayab Ashfaq


Anxiety, depression, obsessive thoughts.


Objective: To determine pattern of obsessive behaviors and thoughts in a state of anxiety in teenagers (14-18 years) of age.

Study Design: Cross sectional


Methodology: We conducted research on teenagers of different cities of Pakistan. We selected about 100 student s of age 14-18 years, out of which 55 were girls and 45 were boys of schools, colleges and academies. DASS (depression anxiety stress scale) was used as instrument.

Results: Our study showed that 30 students (30%) felt that everything was alright and nothing bad will happen at any time. Similarly same number of teenagers was never afraid for any reason in their day to day lives. We found that about 24(24%) never had any frightened feeling whereas about same number had flushing of face in embarrassing situation sometimes. About 18(18%) teenagers complained of worrying thoughts sometimes at night whereas about same number had a good night sleep all of the time. About 38 teenagers (38%) neither faced difficulty in swallowing  in a tense situation nor did they avoid eating in public places in a similar situation. Many students felt afraid of participating in extracurricular activities i.e. about 24 students (24%). However they willingly participated in group discussions. About 55 students (55%) were neither afraid of participating in group discussion nor in extracurricular activities.

Conclusion: Obsessive behaviors and thoughts were uneasy feelings (like butterflies) in stomach, hot and flushed face, feeling frightened or scared, worrying thoughts at night and difficulty falling asleep.


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How to Cite

Sajjad, Z. B. ., Siddique, Y. ., Tariq, A. ., Suleman, Q. ., & Ashfaq, N. . (2012). Study On Pattern Of Obsessive Behaviors And Thoughts In A State Of Anxiety In Teenagers. Journal of Bahria University Medical and Dental College, 2(1), 29–33. Retrieved from



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