Beliefs about blood donation among ptients visiting OPDs of general hospitals


  • Naveera Saeed
  • Ehtesham Munir
  • Rizwan Akbar
  • Zaheen Baig Sajjad
  • Rida Shahid


Beliefs, blood donation, misconceptions.


Objective: Not much information is available for blood donation in Pakistan, while a number of misconceptions exist among the populace. This study was, therefore, conducted with the objective of identifying the said misconceptions which could lead to the formulation and implementation of letter policies regarding blood donation in Pakistan.

Subjects and Methods: Patients visiting OPDs of some of the General Hospitals of Pakistan were the subjects of this study. A total of about 88 subjects (22 from each hospital) were enrolled and were subjected to the self-administered questionnaire.

Place of Study: A cross-sectional descriptive study was conduct at four Governement General Hospitals of Pakistan ie Holy Family Hospital Rawalpindi; Pakistan Institute of Medical Sciences, Islamabad, Civil Hospital Quetta and District Headquarters Hospital, Seabi.

Result: The study results showed that out of about 88 paitents, about40(45.5%) were blood donors whereas about 48(55.5%) were not. About 29 patients knew the correct amount of blood that can be drawn for a single donation. About 12 patients knew the eligible age while about 25 knew about the appropriate body weight for blood donations. The major reason for not donating blood was fear of subsequent weakness.

Conclusion: Our study concluded that there is a need to develop awareness to the public on blood donation, and its importance, so as to get rid of their misconceptions. This will increase the number of blood donors, especially Non-Remunerated voluntary Blood donors, and help meet the ever-growing demand for blood and its products. 



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How to Cite

Saeed, N. ., Munir , E. ., Akbar, R. ., Sajjad, Z. B. ., & Shahid, R. . (2011). Beliefs about blood donation among ptients visiting OPDs of general hospitals . Journal of Bahria University Medical and Dental College, 1(2), 61–67. Retrieved from



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