Supernumerary Tooth: A Common Odontostomatologic Anomaly Of Number Of Teeth


  • Muhammad Shahrukh Khan Sadiq
  • Daud Mirza



Supernumerary teeth, Hyperdontia, Mesiodens, Paramolars, Distomolars


Supernumerary tooth (ST) is a developmental disturbance of number of teeth characterized by teeth present in excess
of normal dental formula of deciduous or permanent dentition.1,2,3,4 It may occur in either dental arch, maxillary or
mandibular.5 Literature has shown marked predilection in maxilla over mandible.6,7 The first documented report of
supernumerary teeth has been revealed in human fossils that are approximately 11,000 years old.8


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How to Cite

Muhammad Shahrukh Khan Sadiq, & Daud Mirza. (2018). Supernumerary Tooth: A Common Odontostomatologic Anomaly Of Number Of Teeth. Journal of Bahria University Medical and Dental College, 8(1), 44–46.



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