Titrated Oral Misoprostol Solution Versus Intravenous Oxytocin for Augmentation of Labour


  • Umbreen Idrees
  • Sara Ali
  • Ayaz Ahmed
  • Sajjad Sabir
  • Ammarah Saeed


Augmentation of labour, Intravenous oxytocin, Titrated oral Misoprostol.


Objective:To compare the efficacy of titrated oral mis oprostol solution with intravenous oxytocin for augmentation
of labour in term primigravidae in active phase of labour with inadequate uterine contractions.
Methodology:This randomized control trial was conducted in the department of Gynaecology and Obstetrics, Pakistan
Institute of Medical Sciences, Islamabad, over a period of six months from 14-April to 13-October, 2014.
A total of 760 (two groups of 380 each) primigravidae, between age 20-39 years, who had completed 37-42 gestational
weeks by dates, or by ultrasound scan, with regular contractions and an effaced cervix dilated between 3-4 cm, and who
later developed inadequate uterine contractions during the first stage of labour were included in the study. Group A
received titrated oral misoprostol solution 200μg tablet dissolved in 200ml tap water and 20ml (20μg/hour) and
group-B was given Intravenous oxytocin (10 units in 1000cc Hartman’s solution at 8 drops/minute, doubling every
30 minutes up to a maximum of 64 drops/min for 2 hours).
Results: Mean (±SD) age of the patients was 26.4±4.4 and 26.6±4.6 years in group-A and B respectively. In
group-A, 322 patients (84.7%) and in group-B 326 patients (85.8%) were delivered vaginally. Mean (±SD)
augmentation to delivery interval was 293.82±99.36 and 311.65±106.73 minutes in group-A and B respectively.
Mean (±SD) gestational age in group-A was 38.82±1.32 and in group-B 38.83±1.09 week. Caesarean section was
performed in rest of the patients in both groups. There was no significant association between mode of delivery
in both groups (P-value= 0.682).
Conclusion:Labour augmentation with titrated oral misoprostol or intravenous oxytocin resulted in about similar
rates of vaginal delivery.


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How to Cite

Idrees, U. ., Ali, S. ., Ahmed, A. ., Sabir, S. ., & Saeed, A. . (2017). Titrated Oral Misoprostol Solution Versus Intravenous Oxytocin for Augmentation of Labour. Journal of Bahria University Medical and Dental College, 7(1), 24–27. Retrieved from https://jbumdc.bahria.edu.pk/index.php/ojs/article/view/222



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