Frequency of Urinary Tract Infections and Causative Agents in Different Age Groups in Both Genders in a Tertiary Care Hospital


  • Naseer Ahmed
  • Syed Aley-E-Hasan Zaidi
  • Salman Rasool


Urinary tract infection (UTI), Uropathogenic E.coli (UPEC), Midstream urine (MSU), Gram negative rods (GNR), Gram positive cocci (GPC), Pyelonephritis, Cystitis


Objective: To determine the frequency of urinary tract infections and their causative agents in different age groups in both
Materials and Methods: All urine samples received from February 2013 to October 2013 for culture and sensitivity in Baqai
Laboratory (a subsidiary of Baqai University Hospital, Nazimabad, Karachi) were processed. Urine samples showing pyuria
were inoculated on Cysteine Lactose Electrolyte Deficient (CLED) medium and blood agar and incubated at 37OC for 24 hours.
Samples showing 105 organisms were considered to have significant bacteriuria. Organisms were identified by standard
biochemical procedures.
Results: Out of 633 samples inoculated, 40% (253) showed significant bacteriuria. Incidence of isolated uropathogens was
E.coli (70%), Enterobacter species (9%), Enterococcus species (7.5%), Psudomonas species (5%), Klebsiella species (4%),
Acinetobacter species (3.2%), Salmonella species (0.8%), Staph. aureus (less than 1%) and Candida (less than 1%). Genderwise
distribution of patients: Male 36%, Female 64%. Predominent number of female patients was in reproductive age group
while greater frequency in males was seen in patients above 55 years of age.
Conclusion: There is higher frequency of urinary infections in females in reproductive age groups and more men with urinary
infections were aged above 55. E.coli is the prominent causative organism.


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Article ID.681473.doi:10.1155/2012/681473




How to Cite

Ahmed, N. ., Zaidi, S. A.-E.-H. ., & Rasool, S. . (2016). Frequency of Urinary Tract Infections and Causative Agents in Different Age Groups in Both Genders in a Tertiary Care Hospital. Journal of Bahria University Medical and Dental College, 6(3), 4. Retrieved from



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