Total Sialic Acid (TSA) Level as a Tumor Marker in the Diagnosis of Oral Cancer


  • Hafiz Muhammad Rafique Tagar
  • Muhammad Iltaf
  • Hoor Fatima
  • Nudrat Anwar Zuberi
  • Shahnaz Imdad Kehar


Oral cancer, Squamous cell carcinoma,Different grades, Serum total sialic acid, Tumor marker


Objective: To estimate serum Total Sialic Acid (TSA) levels in different grades of oral squamous cell carcinoma and to access
it`s utility as a tumor marker in this cancer.
Materials and Methods: This study was conducted in 68 adult subjects equally divided into two groups, healthy individuals
and patients with oral squamous cell cancer. Under aseptic precautions venous blood was drawn and serum was separated.Estimation
of serum total sialic acid level was done according to Spectrophotometeric method of Plucinsky. Statistical analysis was carried
out by using SPSS 19.
Results: Total subjects in the study included were 58.82% males and 41.17% females. Mean age of oral cancer patients was
48.05 ± 8.82 years. There was significant male predominance with P<0.05. Oral cancer was most common in Tobacco+ Chaliya
+ Areca nut and Gutka+pan groups. Mean serum total sialic acid (TSA) level in control group was 60.2 ± 4.27 mg/dl, whereas
it was 99.1 ± 18.30 mg/dl in oral cancer group. It was significantly increased in oral cancer group when compared to control
group with P value < 0.01. There was progressive elevation in mean serum TSA level in oral squamous cell carcinoma,
Conclusion:Estimation of serum total sialic acid level (TSA) in different grades of oral squamous cell carcinoma showed
positive relation with stage of malignancy, specifically with the tumor burden. It can be used as a diagnostic biomarker in oral
squamous cell cancers.


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How to Cite

Tagar, H. M. R. ., Iltaf, M. ., Fatima, H. ., Zuberi, N. A. ., & Kehar, S. I. . (2015). Total Sialic Acid (TSA) Level as a Tumor Marker in the Diagnosis of Oral Cancer. Journal of Bahria University Medical and Dental College, 5(3), 109–112. Retrieved from



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