Are Patients Satisfied with Healthcare Services in Hospitals? Which Dimensions Influence it?


  • Neelam Jawed Qureshi
  • Inayat Hussain Thaver
  • Omer Shahid
  • Manahil Khalid
  • Zuhaib Arshad
  • Munza Yusuf
  • Mashal Sarwar
  • Hafiz Hussain
  • Wara Fatima



Patient's Satisfaction, health care delivery, public & private hospitals


Objectives: To determine the patient satisfaction with health care services provided in hospitals, disregard of whether
private or public
Methodology: A cross-sectional online survey was conducted from January to October 2020 who had utilized health
services from private or public hospitals. A questionnaire was used for assessing the satisfaction in various dimensions;
Likert scales were used for quantifying the level of satisfaction. A formal approval of ERC from the parent institution and
informed consent was sought. The sample size was 384 keeping the expected satisfaction at 50%; non-probability sampling
was done. Multiple variables were used to assess patient satisfaction. They were grouped into four thematic areas, and a
mean score was given to each.
Results: The mean age of participants was 25.19 ± 6.99. More than half of the participants (59.9%) visited a private
hospital compared to only 27% visiting a government hospital. Overall, 257 (88.9%) participants were satisfied with their
previous visit. The satisfaction levels varied with various dimensions; with quality of doctor 73.2%; the environment and
basic facilities 76.8%; the process of seeking care - 57.4%; and with medicine and diagnostic facilities 67.4%.
Conclusion: Three-quarters of the study population were satisfied with their last hospital visit. The perceived quality of
doctors, the ambiance and hospitals' general facilities make a difference in patients' satisfaction. The follow-up visits and
compliance with the treatment are influenced by how satisfied one is with the last visit.



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How to Cite

Qureshi, N. J. ., Thaver, I. H. ., Shahid, O., Khalid, M. ., Arshad, Z. ., Yusuf, M. ., Sarwar, M. ., Hussain, H. ., & Fatima, W. . (2022). Are Patients Satisfied with Healthcare Services in Hospitals? Which Dimensions Influence it?. Journal of Bahria University Medical and Dental College, 12(02), 100–105.



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