Learning Preferences among Medical and Physical Therapy Students: A Systematic Review


  • Sarwat Ali
  • Ashfaq Ahmad
  • Arooj Munawar
  • Muhammad Waqas




Allied health, Learning style, Learning style, Medical students, Physiotherapy, Questioner


Learning style is known as affective, cognitive, physiological, or combined characteristics which indicate the ways through
which students interact, respond and understand the learning environment. A systematic review was conducted with relevant
literature from 2012 to 2021 by hand searching and from electronic databases (PubMed, MEDLINE, ProQuest, and Eric)
with proper search strategy as Boolean operator. They were searched using the keywords ‘allied health students’ ‘learning
style’, ‘medical students’, ‘MBBS students’ and ‘physical therapy students OR physiotherapists’. Out of 1027 studies, only
16 potentially relevant articles were included in this review. This study reflected undergraduate physical therapy and MBBS
students from various countries and their most preferred learning style is kinaesthetic and activist which states learning is
based on experiments, hands-on practice, audio-visual lectures, teaching sessions in a new environment allowing students
to analyze and synthesize theories. However, students require adaptable, educative, and assessment strategies as they have
different learning styles.


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How to Cite

Ali, S. ., Ahmad, A. ., Munawar, A. ., & Waqas, M. . (2021). Learning Preferences among Medical and Physical Therapy Students: A Systematic Review. Journal of Bahria University Medical and Dental College, 12(01), 46–53. https://doi.org/10.51985/JBUMDC2021070



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