Characteristic Features of SARS CoV-2


  • Shaista Bakhat
  • Yasmeen Taj



Asymptomatic carrier, Corona virus, HCOV, RT-PCR


Corona-virus arose from China, spread globally and has become a great challenge for health care workers and Governments
of several countries. This virus is transmitted predominately through respiratory droplets by symptomatic and asymptomatic
carriers. The disease manifests itself with fever, dry cough and shortness of breath, these symptoms may be mild or have
fatal outcomes. This virus attaches to the angiotensin converting enzyme (ACE) receptor, in the lung. This assessment,
recapitulates the existing awareness of host features and the paths that are activated with HCOV (Human Corona virus)
infection highlighting the infection derived stress response, autophagy, apoptosis and natural defense mechanism. The
interaction of virulence tactics utilized by HCOV is also reviewed. This virus can be detected in the laboratory with help
of reverse transcription polymerase chain reaction (RT-PCR), with up to 50%-69% false negative results. Treatment agenda
is supportive therapy including supplemental oxygen, antipyretic, dexamethasone and ventilators.


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How to Cite

Bakhat, S. ., & Taj, Y. . (2021). Characteristic Features of SARS CoV-2. Journal of Bahria University Medical and Dental College, 11(3), 129–135.



Review Article

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