Is Covid-19 vaccine truly the miracle drug the world was waiting for?


  • Shazia Durrani Fakhir
  • Ammara Hameed



World is in the middle of COVID-19 pandemic. COVID-
19 was declared as a pandemic by WHO on 11, March
2020.1 Globally 108 million cases have been reported
worldwide, claiming the deaths of 2.32 million globally.2
The need for wearing masks, frequent hand washing and
social distancing cannot be emphasized more since the surge
of this pandemic. Now wearing mask and adopting the social
distancing are more of a routine. But these measures are
certainly not enough to control the pandemic. Efforts more
than this are required.


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How to Cite

Fakhir, S. D. ., & Hameed, A. (2021). Is Covid-19 vaccine truly the miracle drug the world was waiting for?. Journal of Bahria University Medical and Dental College, 11(2), 96–98.