The Emotional Burden of COVID 19 in Frontline Health Care Workers at A Tertiary Care Hospital in Pakistan


  • Muhammad Siddique Kakar
  • Shehzad Rauf
  • Umer Jalal
  • Waseem Ahmed Khan
  • Isbah Gul



Anxiety, Depression, Health care workers, Stress


Objective: To assess the levels of depression, anxiety and stress in frontline health care workers dealing with COVID 19
Study Design and Setting: This cross-sectional study was conducted at PNS Shifa hospital from 1st June 2020 to 14th June
Methodology: Total n=124 health care workers were assessed using Depression, Anxiety and stress scale(DASS 21). All
health care workers who dealt with COVID 19 patients were approached and asked to participate after an informed consent.
The scale was administered by a doctor who contacted the health care workers directly working with COVID 19 patients
through video call and those previously working in this pandemic were contacted in person. The SPSS 20 package program
was used for statistical analysis. Quantitative Variables like age were described as mean ± SD. Cross tabulation and Chi-
Squared Test were used to identify which of the independent variables had significant influence on the outcome.
Results: Total 31(25%) health care workers out of 124 exhibited features of depression whereas 49(39.5%) health care
workers showed features of anxiety. Total n=26(21%) health care workers were found to be under stress. It was also seen
that depression and anxiety was more common in females and health care workers working as residents, house officers
and nursing assistants.
Conclusion: This study showed COVID 19 can cause significant distress in health care workers therefore all health care
workers dealing with COVID 19 patient should be regularly monitored for psychological symptoms.


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How to Cite

Kakar, M. S. ., Rauf, S. ., Jalal, U. ., Khan, W. A. ., & Gul, I. . (2021). The Emotional Burden of COVID 19 in Frontline Health Care Workers at A Tertiary Care Hospital in Pakistan. Journal of Bahria University Medical and Dental College, 11(2), 60–64.



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