To Evaluate The Self-Apprehension Of Dental Students About Their Own Smile Aesthetics


  • Farzana Memon
  • Salwa Memon
  • Muhammad Muslim Khahro
  • Abdul Salam Memon



Self-apprehension, dental appearance, smile, dental students


Objective: This cross-sectional observational study was accomplished at Isra University to evaluate the self-apprehension
of dental students related to their own smile.
Material and Methods: This study was comprised of 166 dental students belonging to both genders. A structured selfadministered questionnaire was used to conduct a survey among undergraduate dental students at all study levels in Isra
University. Questionnaire was designed to observe the self-apprehension and satisfaction of students with reference to their
dental appearance.
Data analysis was done using descriptive statistics via 21st version of SPSS. 0.05% was established as the level of significance.
Results: 166 students (32 males and 134 females) participated in this survey. 32.5% students were shy as against 91.6%
students who were bold at smiling in public. 55.4% students preferred to be photographed from side pose while 69.9%
were inspired by other’s smile.
In terms of teeth dimensions, 60.2%, 54.8% and 46.4% students were gratified with the length, breadth and form of their
teeth respectively.
Conclusion: This study concludes that greater number of dental student were self-assured regarding their apprehension
on their own dental appearance. Majority of the females though contented with the dimensions and contour of their teeth,
urged to have lighter teeth.


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How to Cite

Farzana Memon, Salwa Memon, Muhammad Muslim Khahro, & Abdul Salam Memon. (2021). To Evaluate The Self-Apprehension Of Dental Students About Their Own Smile Aesthetics. Journal of Bahria University Medical and Dental College, 8(4), 236–240.



Original Articles

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