Exotic Spice Illicium Verum Hook.F


  • Hafiza Touseef Sayyar




Star anise, Pharmacological effects, Anti-spasmodic, Anxiolytic, Lactagouge, Nutraceuticals, Anti-microbial, anti-Inflammmatory, Anticancer.


Chinese Star anise (Illicium verum hook.f.) spice is generally consumed in food, beverages and confectionery item due
to their characteristic spiciness as well as zesty flavor. Star anise is extensively employed in Chinese traditional medicine
and as a tonic for home remedies since ancient times for many complaints such as gastrointestinal disorder, colic discomfort
and inflammation. The active components present in star anise has been identified by many researchers and several favorable,
pharmacological effects of its constituents confirmed and authenticated recently by experiment. Additionally, many studies
reveal numerous health effects of this spice. This article concisely reviews the most noticeable investigations which have
validated the potential of star anise such as anxiolytic, anti-microbial, antioxidant, chemopreventive, insecticidal, flu
prevention, atherogenesis, lactagouge, anticolic action. However star anise is usually nontoxic and used as a functional
ingredient of daily cuisine.


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How to Cite

Sayyar, H. T. . (2021). Exotic Spice Illicium Verum Hook.F. Journal of Bahria University Medical and Dental College, 8(3), 189–193. https://doi.org/10.51985/JBUMDC2018044



Review Article

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