An Audit Of Maternal Mortality At Jinnah Postgraduate Medical Centre Karachi


  • Razia Korejo
  • Haleema Yasmin
  • Shazia Naseeb


Maternal Mortality, Audit, Safe Motherhood, Millennium Development Goal


Objective: To evaluate the maternal deaths andits causes in a tertiary care hospital.

Materials and Methods: This is an observational analytic study of one year from January 2012 - December 2012, carried out at the department of Obstetrics and Gynaecology Unit 1, Jinnah Post Graduate Medical Centre Karachi.A prospective analysis of one year data comprised of total obstetric admissions, total no of deliveries, live birthsand number of maternal deaths was done.

Results: During the period of one year the total number of deaths certified in the department was 55. During the same year the total number of obstetric admissions and total number of deliveries were 7784 and 6980 respectively. Fifty three(96.4%) maternal deaths were amongst non booked patients.Direct causes were responsible for 70.9% of deaths. Hemorrhage was the direct leading cause and was responsible for 22 (40.2%), deaths. Eclampsia was responsible for 9 (16.4%) deaths. It was the leading cause among all women having their first baby. Ruptured uterus was seen in 3 (5.4%) Patients Three (5.4%) patients died as a result of complications of unsafe abortion. Anemia was the leading indirect cause of death responsible for 14.5% of cases followed by hepatic failure in 6 (10.9%) cases. Two patients died as a result of cardiac disease.

Conclusion: Maternal mortality still remains very high in the tertiary care centers, mainly due to high percentage of referred cases from the periphery brought in moribund condition.


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How to Cite

Korejo, R. ., Yasmin, H. ., & Naseeb, S. . (2013). An Audit Of Maternal Mortality At Jinnah Postgraduate Medical Centre Karachi. Journal of Bahria University Medical and Dental College, 3(1), 20–23. Retrieved from



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