Comparison of Mean Efficacy of Gluma and Ultraez Desensitizer to Decrease Hypersensitivity of Vital Abutment Teeth Prepared for Full Coverage Restoration


  • Hamid Bashir
  • Shoaib Rahim
  • Jawad Ali Shah
  • Zarah Afreen
  • Ammarah Afreen
  • Eruj Shuja



Desensitizer, Gluma, UltraEz, Potassium Nitrate, Hypersensitivity


OBJECTIVE: To compare the mean change in hypersensitivity between Gluma and Potassium Nitrate (UltraEz) desensitizers,
on vital abutment teeth prepared for full coverage restorations.
Study Design and Setting: Randomized experimental study conducted at Watim Dental College, Rawalpindi, from February
to August 2019.
Methodology: Total 100 patients were included in this study. Inclusion criteria consisted of both male and female patients
with age ranging from 20-40 years, consisting of vital teeth and no active carious lesion. Two hours after tooth preparation,
vital abutment tooth was stimulated with a blast of air and hypersensitivity of the vital abutment was measured using Visual
Analog Scale (VAS). Then Gluma Desensitizer was applied on vital abutment for one minute, air dried and then rinsed.
After Gluma Desensitizer application, the abutment tooth was again stimulated with a blast of air and hypersensitivity of
the vital abutment was measured using VAS. All the data was entered and analysed using SPSS version 20.0. P values of
less than or equal to 0.05 was considered significant.
RESULTS; All the teeth before tooth preparation had zero hypersensitivity. After preparation, Mean+ SD of hypersensitivity
on VAS were 8.92 + 0.77 and 8.96 + 0.75 in Group A (Gluma) and Group B (UltraEz) respectively. After desensitizers
application, Mean+ SD of hypersensitivity on VAS were 4.00 + 0.75 and 2.00 + 0.72 in Group A (Gluma) and Group B
(UltraEz) respectively.
CONCLUSION: It was concluded that both desensitizers reduce Hypersensitivity but UltraEz Desensitizer (containing
Potassium Nitrate) relieves Hypersensitivity to a greater extent than Gluma Desensitizer when used on vital teeth prepared
for providing conventional Fixed Dental Prosthesis


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How to Cite

Bashir, H. ., Rahim, S. ., Shah, J. A. ., Afreen, Z. ., Afreen, A. ., & Shuja, E. . (2021). Comparison of Mean Efficacy of Gluma and Ultraez Desensitizer to Decrease Hypersensitivity of Vital Abutment Teeth Prepared for Full Coverage Restoration. Journal of Bahria University Medical and Dental College, 10(3), 192–196.



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