Grooming Future Doctors With Research Based Medical Curriculum


  • Muhammad Irfanullah Siddiqui


Content of the medical curriculum is the hottest issue
which is confronted by most of the educationist, both in
developed and developing countries. Traditional medical
curricula were designed in such a vogue that student
should take benefit of the knowledge of the earlier
physicians and then apply the same to treat his patient
while stressing on memorization of the differential
diagnosis, as suggested by the senior physician, based
on their experience. This approach focused on training
the future doctors to apply the already searched knowledge
in the field without thinking critically about the other
unknown factors influencing the outcome of the treatment
and based on long didactic lectures.


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How to Cite

Siddiqui, M. I. . (2013). Grooming Future Doctors With Research Based Medical Curriculum. Journal of Bahria University Medical and Dental College, 3(1), 01–03. Retrieved from

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