Low Dose Theophylline and Tiotropium Rotacap as Add on Therapy in COPD Patients-Clinical Trial


  • Muzna Hameed Dar
  • Syed Mehboob Alam
  • Qurrat ul Ain Bukhari
  • Kauser Ismail
  • Syed Azhar Hussain Zaidi




Objectives: To compare the role of low dose Theophylline and Tiotropium rotacap in improving the lung functions and
day to day life of patients suffering from COPD.
Study Design and Setting: A Clinical trial study was conducted at Department of Pharmacology and Therapeutics, BMSI
in association with Department of Chest Medicine, JPMC.
Methodology: This study was planned as an open label and parallel clinical trial study. A total of 168 patients of COPD
were selected for this study and only 161 patients completed the 3 months duration of the study. The enrolled patients were
grouped into 2, namely A and B. Tab. Theophylline 350 mg was given to Group A in two divided doses while Tiotropium
rotacap18μg through rotahaler was given to group B once a day.
Results: Mean FEV1 ± SD was improved by 0.04 ± 0.02 in Theophylline therapy group while by 0.07 ± 0.01 in the
Tiotropium therapy treated group and a significant difference between the changes in the two treatment groups was evident.
There was a percentage improvement in PEFR of 8.9 ± 5.8 in the Theophylline therapy treated group and of 13.2 ± 4.7 in
Tiotropium therapy treated group. When Tiotropium group was compared with Theophylline group for improvement in
percentage change in PEFR from day 0, a significant difference was evident between the two groups. There was a significant
improvement from day 0 in CAT score in Tiotropium treated groups versus Theophylline group after 3 months of therapy.
Conclusion: Tiotropium rotacap was more effective as compared to low dose Theophylline in improving pulmonary
functions and CAT score in patients with COPD.


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How to Cite

Muzna Hameed Dar, Alam, S. M. ., Bukhari, Q. ul A. ., Ismail, K. ., & Zaidi, S. A. H. . (2021). Low Dose Theophylline and Tiotropium Rotacap as Add on Therapy in COPD Patients-Clinical Trial. Journal of Bahria University Medical and Dental College, 10(2), 137–141. https://doi.org/10.51985/JBUMDC2020001



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