Frequency and Location of Supernumerary Teeth in a Private Hospital of Karachi City


  • Syed Ahmed Omer
  • Seema Nisar
  • Perveen Memon
  • Hamidullah Arif
  • Raza Ali
  • Samra Faheem



Study Design and Setting: Cross-sectional Study was conducted at Mamji Hospital, Karachi from June 2017 to June 2019.
Methodology: A total of 2160 patients seen and out of which 45 clinically diagnosed patients of supernumerary teeth were
participated in this study. Supernumerary teeth were classified on the basis of location. Descriptive statistics were checked
by means of percentages and frequency of all variables. Chi-Square test was applied, P-value < 0.05was considered
Results: The total patients were 45 which comprised of 26 male and 19 females with ages ranging from 15 to 60 years.
The prevalence of ST was 1.59%, the higher predilection of supernumerary teeth was seen in males than females. The male
to female’s ratio was 1.36:1. On the basis of location ST were further classified on Mesiodens, Paramolars and Distomolars
category. Of the 45 supernumerary teeth, 36 were had Mesiodens (m= 62.1%, f=37.8%), 5 were Paramolars (m=60%,
f=40%) and 3 were Distomolars (m=0, f= 100%).
Conclusion: The present study findings showed high prevalence of ST was dominant in males. Present study emphasizes
the timely diagnosis and appropriate management of supernumerary teeth to avoid unwanted complications


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How to Cite

Syed Ahmed Omer, Nisar, S. ., Memon, P. ., Arif, H. ., Ali, R. ., & Faheem, S. . (2021). Frequency and Location of Supernumerary Teeth in a Private Hospital of Karachi City. Journal of Bahria University Medical and Dental College, 10(2), 133–136.



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