Reasons of Diagnostic Errors and the Ways to Overcome among Medical Residents


  • Shafaq Sultana
  • Farhat Fatima



Arriving at an accurate diagnosis is one of the competencies
prime of the medical practitioner. Errors may occur in the
diagnostic process anywhere from the point of patient’s
initial assessment and interpretation of diagnostic tests, and
even during follow-up and patient referral. Patient safety is
gaining global precedence and in this context diagnostic
errors are speculate as an important cause of harm to the
patients.1 An awareness of the possible underlying factors
leading to diagnostic errors, along with a repertoire of
strategies to improve can be of great help to both junior and
senior medical residents.


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How to Cite

Sultana, S. ., & Fatima, F. . (2019). Reasons of Diagnostic Errors and the Ways to Overcome among Medical Residents. Journal of Bahria University Medical and Dental College, 9(4), 324–325.

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