Role of Vitamin E as a Preventive measure Against Platelet Aggregation In Pregnancy Induced Hypertension


  • Kausar Aamir
  • Fatima Abid
  • Arfa Azhar



Oxidative stress, Preeclampsia, Vitamin E


Objective: To correlate the preventive role of vitamin E levels and platelet count in patients with different grades of
pregnancy induced hypertension. The secondary objective was to compare these grades with normal pregnant patients.
Study Design and Setting: This study was conducted in Obstetric OPD of Jinnah Postgraduate Medical Centre (JPMC),
Karachi, from April 2002 through April 2004.
Methodology: The study group included 110 patients divided in three groups as Group A: n=40 Normotensive patients,
Group B: n=40 Mild hypertensive (test group I), Group C: n=30 Severe hypertensive (test group II). All women were
advised not to take any multivitamin supplements.
Result: Serum alpha tocopherol (vitamin E) was significantly low in severe and mild cases (0.32±0.00 mg/dl, 0.74±0.03
mg/dl respectively), when compared with normal pregnant women levels (0.78±0.040). The decreased platelet count
(246820±1493.51) in mild cases and (135460±387.2) in severe cases was significant (P<0.01) as compared to the normal
pregnant women (348000±574.35). The decrease platelet count values for severe cases were again significant (P<0.01)
when compared with mild cases of PIH.
Conclusion: In patients with risk of preeclampsia adequate antioxidant nutrients may have a role in cessation of free radicalmediated
cell disturbances, and thereby protecting against endothelial cell damage, which is the key factor in preeclampsia


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How to Cite

Aamir, K. ., Abid, F. ., & Azhar, A. . (2019). Role of Vitamin E as a Preventive measure Against Platelet Aggregation In Pregnancy Induced Hypertension. Journal of Bahria University Medical and Dental College, 9(3), 170–174.



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