Concomitant Use Of L-arginine With High Butter And Corn Oil Diet Prevent Their Harmful Effects On Adrenocortical Cells Of Albino Rats


  • Iram Quddus
  • Farhana Samir
  • Humera Waqar
  • Sarwer Qureshi



Adrenal gland, Butter, Corn oil, L-arginine.


ABSTRACT: Objective: To compare the bichemical and morphological effects of L -Arginine against the changes caused by butter and corn oil supplementation Study design: A prospective experimental study Place: Department of Anatomy BMSI, JPMC Duration: Augu


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How to Cite

Quddus, I. ., Samir, F. ., Humera Waqar, & Sarwer Qureshi. (2018). Concomitant Use Of L-arginine With High Butter And Corn Oil Diet Prevent Their Harmful Effects On Adrenocortical Cells Of Albino Rats. Journal of Bahria University Medical and Dental College, 8(1), 35–39.



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