Vitamin D deficiency: Plethora of Etiological Factors Prevalent in Pakistan
Vitamin D deficiency (VDD), Sunlight exposure and vitamin D deficiency, Vitamin D deficiency in Pakistan, Vitamin D deficiency in Asia, Vitamin D deficiency in womenAbstract
Vitamin D, known as cholecalciferol, is a lipid soluble vitamin. Vitamin D (VD) has tremendous array of functions in the body;
especially it plays a vital role in the health of the skeletal tissues. It strictly cannot be regarded as a vitamin since a substantial
amount of the vitamin can be produced by the effect of sunlight on the skin. The insufficiency or deficiency of VD is growing
worldwide and has assumed a pandemic situation. There are various factors contributory towards the development of vitamin
D deficiency. Even in Pakistan, where sun drenched climate prevails, this alarming situation is growing and getting worse day
by day. There are copious factors; like pervasiveness of sun protection practices, improper exposure to sun, lesser avenues of
outdoor recreational activities, gender hindrances, biological factors etc. Lack of awareness and negligence are making this
situation go even grim. In this review, the contributory factors, especially those more widespread in Pakistan are kept in view
and are amalgamated in this article. Recent literature from our part of the world and after that from Asia had been preferred
so that our population could connect, relate and benefit from it well.
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