Frequency of Neck Swellings in Patients Coming for Dental Check-up


  • Yousuf Lakdawala
  • Dawar Nadeem
  • Zeerak Jarrar
  • Syeda Maria Fakhar


Neck swellings, Midline, Thyroid, Goiter, Multinodular


Objective: To assess the frequency of midline swellings in the neck.
Materials and Methods: A prospective survey was conducted on 150 patients (males and females) who came in for a dental
check-up at Altamash Institute of Dental Medicine from 1st June to 1stSeptember 2015. Permission was obtained from ethical
committee and verbal informed consent was taken from patients/their attendants. Selection of the subjects for the study was
done after evaluation of the case history of each subject and clinical examination. Patients with 20 to 70 years of age were
included in the study. Their name, age, gender, general and local description of the midline swelling which included site, size
shape, color, tenderness, temperature and consistency were recorded in the performa. Data analysis was done by SPSS version
Results: Multi-nodular goitre was the most common form of neck swelling found in 34 patients. Women of middle aged group
(31-49) followed by women of younger age group (20-30) were affected more. In all age groups only T3 was increased while
the level of TSH and T4 was normal indicating swellings to be of thyroid in origin.2 patients had enlarged cervical lymph nodes.
Conclusion: The frequency of multinodular goiter was found to be 94.4% and females of middle age group were the most
affected ones.


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How to Cite

Lakdawala, Y. ., Nadeem, D. ., Jarrar, Z. ., & Fakhar, S. M. . (2016). Frequency of Neck Swellings in Patients Coming for Dental Check-up. Journal of Bahria University Medical and Dental College, 6(2), 81–83. Retrieved from



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