Ocular Syphilis – Uncommon but not Rare
Ocular Syphilis, Uveitis, Panuveitis, NeurosyphilisAbstract
Syphilis is a multisystem bacterial infection caused by the spirochete TreponemaPallidum, which has regained attention as a
new epidemic due to worldwide increase in the cases of this disease. Ocular syphilis is an unusual manifestation of disease,
mostly occurring in the secondary or tertiary stage of disease. Ocular involvement may be the presenting manifestation of
syphilis and it is often associated with delayed diagnosis and treatment, which may result in irreversible structural and functional
ocular damage. Although, ocular syphilis can affect any part of eye, uveitis is the most common ocular manifestation of the
disease. A high index of suspicion is mandatory as ocular syphilis can mimic variety of other ocular inflammations. We report
two cases of syphilitic panuveitis where high index of suspicion resulted in the correct diagnosis and management.
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