Effects of Ethmoid Surgery on Proptosis and Vision
Proptosis, Vision, Ethmoid Surgery, Lynch Howarth approach, Orbital decompression, EthmoiditisAbstract
Objective:To evaluate the role of external ethmoidectomy in improvement of proptosis and vision due to ethmoid disease.
Materials and Methods: This interventional study was conducted in the department of Otorhipolaryngology and Head and
Neck Surgery Quaid-e-Azam Medical College and Bahawal Victoria Hospital BahawalPur, Pakistan, from September 2013 to
February 2014. Twenty four males and females who presented in the OPD with proptosis due to polyposis and allergic fungal
sinusitis were included in this study. All the patients were electively prepared for this operation. All patients had pre operative
CT scan of nose, PNS, Orbit and Brain. Proptosis and vision was checked by the ophthalmologist. Informed written consent
was taken from all patients. All underwent external ethmoidectomy operation via Lynch Howarth approach which provided a
direct and in depth view of the ethmoids and orbit.
Results: 13 patients were males and 11 were females with mean age 22.46 ± 10.15 years (range 7-45 years). All patients had
proptosis and size of proptosis improved in17 patients (70.83%). Impaired vision was seen in 17 cases and improvement was
seen in 11 cases (64.70%).There were no major post operative complications and the minor complications like external scar,
lacrimation and anterior nasal discharge resolved completely.
Conclusion: External ethmoidectomy has a role in improvement of proptosis and vision due to ethmoid disease. Orbital
complications due to ethmoid disease should therefore be timely diagnosed and treated so as to have remarkable improvement
in proptosis and vision.
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Copyright (c) 2015 Masood Akhtar, M Saleem Sheikh, Maroof Aziz, M Asim Shafique, M Maroof

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